Privacy Compliance

Sutter Law offers a wide range of legal services related to Privacy Compliance. Some of the areas we specialize in include

Terms of Service Agreements
We assist clients with drafting and negotiating terms of service agreements that protect their interests while complying with GDPR, CCPA, California laws and regulations. Our privacy attorneys can provide guidance on issues such as user rights and responsibilities, liability limitations, and intellectual property ownership.
Privacy Policy
As a partner to the Term of Service (TOS), Terms of Use (TOU) websites need to have an online Privacy Policy (PP) to let the users know how their data collection and data retention policies. Users want to know their personal and private information will not be freely distributed or sold to marketers without their knowledge. California required stricter privacy policies that other states, Europe also requires very strict collections Privacy Polices. If you are also dealing with international customers you should have provisions that set the jurisdiction to the US and allows for the transfer to the US.

Terms of Use
Think of your Terms of Use (TOU) also known as your Terms of Service (TOS) as your contract with your website users. Terms of Use are a must-have for every website. The Terms of Use should describe the purpose and nature of the site, the terms of using the site, how updates are provided to users, what policies and procedures dictate the use, what users are allowed to do with the site, and what behavior is prohibited. Terms of Use agreements also protect the intellectual property right of the website owners. They also contain liability waivers, and disclaimers to protect the site from potential lawsuits set the jurisdiction or force arbitration. Google also requires Terms of Use and a Privacy Policy as a precondition to using Adwords.

Dispute Resolution
We provide legal representation and guidance in disputes related to terms of service agreements, including breach of contract, intellectual property infringement, and consumer protection claims. Our attorneys can assist with resolving disputes through negotiation, mediation, or litigation.